Shredded Tobacco

13Jun - by admin - 0 - In

A well-aged batch of shredded tobacco

Shredded tobacco, a product with a rich history and a deep connection to our collective cultural past. It’s an art form that reflects human ingenuity and the pursuit of pleasure. As you explore the world of shredded tobacco, prepare to be amazed by the intricate processes, the dedication of the artisans, and the complexity of flavors and aromas that can be achieved.

Introduction to Shredded Tobacco

Shredded tobacco, a familiar term to tobacco enthusiasts, refers to tobacco leaves that have been cut into thin strips or shreds. These shreds are then used to roll cigarettes, fill pipes, or even for chewing. This article will explore the world of shredded tobacco, its benefits, the process of shredding, and the art of rolling your own cigarettes.

What is Shredded Tobacco?

Shredded tobacco originates from tobacco leaves that have been carefully cured and then cut or shredded into fine pieces. These pieces are perfect for rolling into cigarettes or packing into pipes, offering a fresh, rich smoking experience.

Benefits of Shredded Tobacco

Shredding your own tobacco has several advantages. For one, it allows for a fresher and more flavorful smoke. Pre-shredded tobacco can sometimes conceal lower-quality tobacco, but when you shred your own, you can inspect each leaf before it’s shredded, ensuring only the best quality tobacco is used.

Types of Shredders

There are several types of tobacco shredders available, from manual hand shredders to electric shredders. These devices can efficiently shred tobacco leaves, providing a uniform cut suitable for rolling or packing. For instance, the Mach 1 Electric Tobacco shredder can shred a pound of tobacco in just a minute.

Shredding at Home

Shredding tobacco at home is a relatively simple process. You begin by selecting your tobacco leaves, then feeding them into the shredder. The shredder slices the leaves into thin strips, ready for use.

American Blend

The Full Flavor Natural American Blend is a popular choice for shredded tobacco. This blend combines Flue-cured (Virginia), Burley, and Oriental tobacco leaves, resulting in a rich, full-bodied smoke.

Virginia Blend

The Natural Virginia Blend, also known as an English Blend, is preferred by those who enjoy a traditional “old world smoke”. This blend focuses on Flue-cured (Virginia) & Oriental blend, offering a distinctive smoking experience.

Turkish Blend

For those seeking something a bit different, the Natural Turkish Blend offers a unique taste, distinct from mainstream smoking experiences. This blend retains the same impact and cleanliness of taste as the other blends but provides unique taste characteristics.

The Quality Factor in Shredded Tobacco

Quality is paramount in the world of shredded tobacco. The tobacco used should be all-natural, with no additives or preservatives, ensuring the purest smoking experience. Each blend should be unmanufactured, guaranteeing you’re getting the best smoke around.

Economical Aspects of Shredded Tobacco

An appealing aspect of shredded tobacco is its economic benefits. By shredding and rolling your own tobacco, you can avoid excessive excise taxes and smoke better cigarettes for less money.

Materials Needed

To roll your own cigarettes, you’ll need a few key items: shredded tobacco, rolling papers, and a rolling machine or your hands if you prefer the manual method.

Step-by-step Process

Start by spreading a thin layer of shredded tobacco along the center of the paper. Then, using the rolling machine or your fingers, gently roll the paper around the tobacco, forming a cylinder. Finally, lick the edge of the paper and seal it, creating your own hand-rolled cigarette.

Shredded Tobacco for Pipe Smokers

Shredded tobacco is not just for cigarette smokers. Pipe smokers can also enjoy the freshness and quality of shredded tobacco. Brands such as Natural Harvest Red Ribbon and Natural Harvest Blue Ribbon offer shredded pipe tobacco, providing a flavorful and satisfying smoke.


Shredded tobacco offers a unique, satisfying, and economical smoking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a beginner looking to get into the art of hand-rolling your own cigarettes, shredded tobacco is a wonderful option. So why not try shredding your own tobacco and enjoy the richness and fullness of flavors that this method offers?

Technical sources:

Shredded tobacco is typically sold in two forms: as unmanufactured blended strips or as shredded pipe tobacco. Unmanufactured blended strips are preferred by many users as they allow for greater control over the quality of the smoke and the freshness of the tobacco. These strips must be shredded before they can be rolled into cigarettes. Shredding one’s own tobacco can reduce the amount of dust and imperfections in a smoke, and can also help avoid low-quality tobacco that may be hidden in pre-shredded blends. Additionally, shredding and rolling your own tobacco can lead to savings due to less excise tax being applicable.

Companies like Leaves and Shredders offer several blends of tobacco leaves, including the Full Flavor Natural American Blend, a blend of Flue-cured (Virginia), Burley, & Oriental tobacco leaves; the Blue Ribbon blend, which has a less full-bodied taste with a more tempered flavor than the Red Ribbon blend; the Natural Virginia Blend, an English blend made from all Flue-cured (Virginia) & Oriental blend; and the Natural Turkish Blend, a unique blend with different taste characteristics.

Shredded tobacco can be prepared using a tobacco shredder, such as the Mach 1 Electric Tobacco shredder or the Mach 1 Manual hand shredder. These shredders can produce a quality ribbon cut that is preferred for all Powermatic Cigarette injectors.

Another type of shredded tobacco available is threshed or stripped tobacco. This is processed tobacco with the mid-rib removed, re-dried to approximately 10% moisture content. The threshing process is completed mechanically, and the resultant product contains mostly small pieces of leaf, usually about 1″ wide x 3″ long. This type of tobacco is available in Flue Cured, Burley, Dark Air, Maryland, and Fire Cured types and is often used by those with a formal education in tobacco manufacturing. Further processing of this tobacco will almost certainly require a mechanical shredder.

Sources of information:

  • Leaves and Shredders: This company offers tobacco blends made from three different types of tobacco, which are intended to balance taste, body, and aromatics. They emphasize the use of all-natural tobacco, without additives or preservatives. Their blends include:
    • Full Flavor Natural American Blend: A combination of Flue-cured (Virginia), Burley, & Oriental tobacco leaves.
    • Blue Ribbon Blend: Made from the same tobacco leaves as the Full Flavor American Blend but in a different combination, resulting in a less full-bodied taste.
    • Natural Virginia Blend: An English Blend made from Flue-cured (Virginia) & Oriental blend.
    • Natural Turkish Blend: A distinctly different blend of tobacco with unique taste characteristics.